Authors are kindly invited to submit contributions for the following sections of the journal:
- Articles (i.e. peer-reviewed contributions, see below)
- Comment & Analysis (i.e. shorter contributions and case notes)
digitally via e-mail in Word format to the Editors at
Articles should preferably not be longer than 10.000 words. Contributions to the section “Comment & Analysis” should not be longer than 6.000 words (shorter contributions) or 3.500 words (case notes).
Guidelines for Submissions
EuCML uses the following citation guidelines:
Review Process
Submissions for the section “Articles”, whether solicited or unsolicited, are subject to peer review, carried out by the members of the Editorial Board or by other leading experts in the specific topic of the contribution. After receiving a contribution, the Editors will determine whether the content of the contribution falls within the scope of the journal. If this is the case, and if the contribution is not manifestly unsuitable, a double blind peer review procedure will be initiated.
The procedure is as follows:
(1) For unsolicited material a two-stage procedure is used. In a first step, the Editors decide whether the topic of the article is generally suitable EuCML and if the article fulfills the high-quality requirements, which are necessary to be passed on to the full review procedure. If this is the case, the contribution will proceed to peer review.
(2) For contributions which have passed the first stage, the text will be critically assessed by at least two referees on the basis of a double blind peer review process. The main review criteria are: analytical quality, originality and familiarity with the academic discussion and with the practical application on the particular topic.
(3) The Editors in Charge will inform the author of the decision of the Editors, based on the peer review, and where appropriate will pass on suggestions of the reviewers which are considered necessary for publication.