Board of Editors
Prof. Dr. Alberto De Franceschi, University of Ferrara, Italy; Prof. Dr. Mateja Durovic, King's College London, United Kingdom; Dr. Catalina Goanta, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands; Prof. Dr. Mateusz Grochowski, Tulane University, New Orleans, United States; Prof. Dr. Joasia Luzak, University of Exeter, United Kingdom; Prof. Dr. Emilia Mišćenić, University of Rijeka, Croatia; Prof. Dr. Jorge Morais Carvalho, Nova University of Lisbon, Portugal; Dr. Kristin Nemeth, University of Innsbruck, Austria; Prof. Dr. Christine Riefa, University of Reading, United Kingdom; Prof. Dr. Evelyne Terryn, KU Leuven, Belgium.
Advisory Board
Prof. Dr. Maria Berger, University of Vienna; Prof. Dr. Christoph Busch, University of Osnabrück, Prof. Peter Cartwright, University of Nottingham; Prof. Dr. Caroline Cauffman, University of Maastricht; Prof. Dr. Phillip Hellwege, University of Augsburg; Prof. Dr. Sergio Cámara Lapuente, University of Rioja; Prof. Dr. Marco Loos, University of Amsterdam; Prof. Dr. Vanessa Mak, University of Leiden, The Netherlands; Prof. Dr. Hans-Wolfgang Micklitz, European University Institute; Prof. Dr. Rupprecht Podszun, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf; Prof. Dr. Oreste Pollicino, Bocconi University; Prof. Iain Ramsay, University of Kent; Prof. Dr. Sofia Ranchordas, University of Groningen; Prof. Dr. Nicolas Raschauer, University of Liechtenstein; Dr. Agustín Reyna, BEUC – The European Consumer Organisation, Brussels; Prof. Dr. Julio Álvarez Rubio, University of Cantabria; Prof. Dr. Giesela Rühl, Humboldt University of Berlin; Prof. Dr. Martin Schmidt-Kessel, University of Bayreuth; Prof. Dr. Hans Schulte-Nölke, University of Osnabrück; Prof. Dr. Jules Stuyck, KU Leuven; Prof. Dr. Marina Tamm, Wismar University of Applied Sciences; Prof. Dr. Klaus Tonner, University of Rostock; Prof. Dr. Verica Trstenjak, University of Vienna Wien and University of Ljubljana; Prof. Carole Aubert de Vincelles, CY Cergy Paris University; Prof. Dr. Christiane Wendehorst, University of Vienna; Prof. Dr. Fryderyk Zoll, Jagiellonian University.