About Publishers C.H.BECK Munich
C.H.BECK, founded in 1763, is one of the oldest family businesses and most renowned publishing houses in Germany. With an annual production of up to 1,500 new publications and new editions, around 100 specialist journals and the leading legal database beck-online, C.H.BECK is also one of the largest German media houses in terms of quantity. More than 750 employees work at the publishing house's headquarters in Munich alone; a branch office with the editorial offices of the majority of law journals is located in Frankfurt am Main. At these two locations, over 120 specialised editors and editorial staff support more than 7,500 active authors. At the former headquarters of the publishing house in Nördlingen, a small medieval town in southern Germany, the printing facility Becksche Druckerei employs a further 400 people, including the C.H.Beck.Media.Solutions division, one of the leading and largest service providers for typesetting and electronic media in the German-speaking world. The publishing house's own logistic an distribution centre, Nördlinger Verlagsauslieferung, is also based there. The specialist information distributor Schweitzer and a number of other specialist publishers and seminar companies in Germany and abroad complete the C.H.Beck media group, which has a total of more than 2,200 employees.
C.H.BECK is one of the most traditional publishing companies in Germany. In 1763, company founder Carl Gottlob Beck acquired a printing firm in Nördlingen, which had already existed there for 130 years, and added a publishing house and bookshop to it. The initials of his son and successor Carl Heinrich Beck live on in today's company name C.H.Beck. The publisher of the fourth generation, Oscar Beck, relocated the publishing house to Munich in 1889, while the print facility remained in Nördlingen. From the middle of the 19th century, the company began to expand into a versatile scientific publishing house, which also always maintained a small literary programme. For several decades, C.H.BECK was a leading theological publisher. Later on, theology took on a smaller role in the company’s catalogue as compared to other academic fields that still characterise the publishing programme today and whose origins go back well into the 19th century, such as history, the study of antiquity, literary science and – last but not least – law. As the sixth-generation publisher, Hans Dieter Beck expanded C.H.BECK's market position in German-language legal literature from 1970 onwards. His brother Wolfgang Beck managed the intellectual programme until 2015.
Today, the management of the publishing house and the control of the media group is entrusted to a multi-member executive board, which includes Jonathan Beck, a member of the seventh generation of the publishing family.
The current activities of the publishing house are divided into two domains: The Law – Taxes – Economics branch and the Literature – Nonfiction – Science branch under the direction of Jonathan Beck. Actually, you are on the homepage of the law & economics branch; in order to change for the literature & science branch please click here.
An important factor for the expansion of the legal publishing programme at C.H.BECK was the foundation of the German Reich in 1871, which resulted in the creation of several important laws shortly before the turn of the century that were applicable to the whole of Germany for the first time, such as the Civil Procedure Code of 1876, the Civil Code of 1896 and the Commercial Code of 1897. In the first half of the 20th century, numerous standard works were founded, including the law collections Sartorius, Verfassungs- und Verwaltungsgesetze (from 1903), Habersack, Deutsche Gesetze (published as Schönfelder from 1931 to 2021), the legal commentary Grüneberg, Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch (published as Palandt from 1938 to 2021) and the Neue Juristische Wochenschrift (from 1947), which still characterise the publisher's public image today. The publishing house also started very early in the field of electronic media and published its first legal database on CD-ROM as early as 1989.
Today C.H.BECK maintains every conceivable form of publication in the field of law, from large multi-volume works for specialists to inexpensive brochures for a wide audience, as well as continuously updated loose-leaf works, textbooks and journals, online commentaries, e-books and apps. The comprehensive online database beck-online, which was established in 2001, is of central importance. New technologies, including artificial intelligence, are constantly being utilised. It was and is the publisher's aim to cover the demand for legal literature in all areas of law, including tax law, as broadly and comprehensively as possible, always focussing on works for legal practitioners, especially commentaries and reference books.
Finally, the wide selection of printed works and databases is supplemented by the activities of the BeckAkademie Seminare, which have been offering trainings and further professional education events on topics from various areas of law since the 1980s.
The publishing house is a co-partner of dtv Verlagsgesellschaft, where, among other things, Becksche Gesetzestexte (compilations of law texts) are published in inexpensive paperback editions, and is present in many German cities through the Schweitzer Fachinformationen companies. In addition, C.H.BECK holds majority stakes in a number of specialised legal publishers and seminar providers. As early as 1970, the publishing house significantly expanded its range in the economics and legal programme segment by taking over the publishing house Franz Vahlen. The constantly growing group of companies has included Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, based in Baden-Baden, since 1999, Kommunal- und Schul-Verlag, based in Wiesbaden, since 2004, Mannheimer id Verlag since 2009 and AWA Aussenwirtschafts-Akademie since 2018.
International activities began in 1993, when the publishing houses C.H.Beck Warsaw and C.H.Beck Prague were founded, which now rank among the leading law publishers in their countries. A few years later the company acquired majority stakes in the Swiss publishing company Helbing & Lichtenhahn Verlag in Basel. In 2011 another branch office in Bratislava was opened. In Zurich, Dike Verlag has been part of the media group since 2015, Versus Verlag since 2021 and Unionsverlag since 2023. The diverse international activities are rounded out by the company's membership in Law Publishers in Europe (LPE) and by numerous co-publications with many other law publishing houses around the globe.
VERLAG C.H.Beck GmbH & Co. KG
Wilhelmstraße 9
80801 München
Telefon: (0 89) 3 81 89-0
Postfach 40 03 40
80703 München
Öffentlicher Nahverkehr:
U3 oder U6 Station Giselastraße
VERLAG C.H.Beck GmbH & Co. KG
Beethovenstraße 7b
60325 Frankfurt/Main
Telefon: (0 69) 75 60 91-0
Fax: (0 69) 75 60 91-49

Verlag Franz Vahlen GmbH
Postfach 40 03 40
80703 München
Telefon: (0 89) 3 81 89-0
E-Mail: webmaster@vahlen.de
Internet: www.vahlen.de

Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Waldseestraße 3-5
76530 Baden-Baden
Telefon: (0 72 21) 21 04-0
Fax: (0 72 21) 21 04-27
E-Mail: nomos@nomos.de
Internet: www.nomos.de

KSV Mediengesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Konrad-Adenauer-Ring 13
65187 Wiesbaden
Telefon: (0 611) 8 80 86-0
Fax: (0 611) 8 80 86-77
E-Mail: info@ksv-medien.de
Internet: www.ksv-medien.de

id Verlags GmbH
Harrlachweg 4
68163 Mannheim
Telefon: (0 621) 1 20 32-0
Fax: (0 621) 2 83 83
E-Mail: boettger@id-verlag.de
Internet: www.ibr-online.de

dtv Verlagsgesellschaft
mbH & Co.
Tumblingerstraße 21
80337 München
Telefon: (0 89) 3 81 67-0
Fax: (0 89) 34 64 28
E-mail: info@dtv.de
Internet: www.dtv.de

Freilandstraße 54
82194 Gröbenzell
Telefon: (0 81 42) 5 12 42
Fax: (0 81 42) 5 11 78
E-Mail: info@mwv-seminare.de
Internet: www.mwv-seminare.de

AWA Außenwirtschafts-Akademie GmbH
Königsstraße 46
48143 Münster
Telefon: (02 51) 8 32 75 60
Fax: (02 51) 8 32 75 61
E-Mail: info@awa-seminare.de
Internet: www.awa-seminare.com

AWS Arbeitskreis für Wirtschafts- und Steuerrecht oHG
Adenauerallee 32
61440 Oberursel
Telefon: (0 61 71) 69 96-0
Fax: (0 61 71) 69 96-10
E-Mail: post@aws-online.de
Internet: www.aws-online.de
HZA Hamburger Zollakademie GmbH
Holzdamm 28-32 I Pacific Haus
20099 Hamburg
Telefon: (040) 80 00 700-30
Fax: (040) 80 00 700-33
ALS Seminare GmbH
Kettelerstraße 26
63303 Dreieich
Telefon: (0 61 03) 37 34 21

Wilhelmstraße 9
80801 München
Telefon: (0 89) 3 81 89-965
Fax: (0 89) 3 81 89-190
E-Mail: info@farr-niemann-qss.de
Internet: www.farr-niemann-qss.de

Schweitzer Fachinformationen
Elsenheimerstraße 41-43
80687 München
Telefon: (0 89) 5 51 34-112
Fax: (0 89) 5 51 34-103
E-Mail: mail@schweitzer-online.de
Internet. www.schweitzer-online.de

Buchhandlung Lehmkuhl oHG
Leopoldstraße 45
80802 München
Telefon: (0 89) 38 01 50-0
E-Mail: service@lehmkuhl.net
Internet: www.lehmkuhl.net

Druckerei C.H.Beck
Bergerstraße 3
86720 Nördlingen
Telefon: (0 90 81) 85-0
Fax: (0 90 81) 85-159
E-Mail: verkauf@becksche.de
Internet: www.becksche.de
NV Nördlinger Verlagsauslieferung GmbH & Co.
Augsburger Straße 67a
86720 Nördlingen
Telefon: (0 90 81) 29 01 29-0
Fax: (0 90 81) 29 01 29-29

Helbing Lichtenhahn Verlag AG (Schweiz) & Co. KG, München (D)
Elisabethenstraße 8
CH - 4051 Basel
Telefon: 0041 (0)61 2 28 90 70
Fax: 0041 (0)61 2 28 90 71
E-Mail: info@helbing.ch

Dike Verlag AG
Weinbergstraße 41
CH - 8006 Zürich
Telefon: 0041 (0)44 2 51 58 30
Fax: 0041 (0)44 251 58 29
E-Mail: verlag@dike.ch
Internet: www.dike.ch

Versus Verlag AG
Merkurstraße 45
CH - 8032 Zürich
Telefon: 0041 (0) 44 2 51 08 92
Fax: 0041 (0) 44 2 62 67 38
E-Mail: info@versus.ch
Internet: www.versus.ch

Neptunstrasse 20
CH - 8032 Zürich
Telefon: 0041 (0)44 2 83 20 00
E-Mail: mail@unionsverlag.ch
Internet: www.unionsverlag.com

Wydawnictwo C.H. Beck Sp. z o.o.
ul. Bonifraterska 17
PL - 00-203 Warszawa
Telefon: 0048 / 22 / 33 77 600
Fax: 0048 / 22 / 33 77 601
E-Mail: redakcja@beck.pl
Internet: www.beck.pl

Nakladatelstvi C.H. Beck s.r.o.
Jungmannova 34
CZ - 110 00 Praha 1
Telefon: 00420/ 2 / 25 993 959
Fax: 00420 / 2 / 25 993 950
E-Mail: beck@beck.cz
Internet: www.beck.cz

Nakladatelstvi C.H. Beck s.r.o.
organizacná zlozka
Michalská 9
SK - 811 01 Bratislava
Telefon: 00421/ 911 / 45 37 82
E-Mail: beck@beck.sk
Internet: www.beck.sk