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Marketing ZFP – Journal of Research and Management publishes four issues and 16-20 peer-reviewed articles per year. As subscriber you find fulltext access (PDF) and search function to the complete archive of all issues on elibrary.vahlen.de.

Please find detailed information on the current issues below:

ISSUE 4/2024

Reciprocal Effects of Cognitive, Affective, and Social Customer Experience on Customer Loyalty and Word-of-Mouth in Omnichannel Fashion Retailing
Nils Fränzel and Bernhard Swoboda

Although the cognitive dimension of customer experience (CX) affects the affective or social dimensions of CX and vice versa in consumers’ thoughts and behavior, our understanding of this reciprocity is limited. The authors fill this gap by applying categorization theory rationales to analyze whether reciprocity exists among important CX dimensions in consumer shopping at omnichannel retailers and how it affects consumer loyalty versus word-of-mouth. They analyze longitudinal data from 528 consumer evaluations of leading fashion retailers in three waves via cross-lagged panel models. The results indicate that the cognitive CX dimension increases the affective and social dimensions and vice versa but to different extents. The reciprocal effects of the CX dimensions are different for consumer loyalty and word-of-mouth, and the results differ from those of a nonreciprocal study. These findings have direct implications for managers interested in understanding how the reciprocity of CX dimensions affects consumer behavior. (->to the Executive Summary)

In the Aftermath of the Pandemic: A Jobs-to-be-done Perspective on Stationary Retailing
Alexandra Rese and Daniela Wolfschmidt

This paper employs the Jobs-to-be-done (JTBD) theory to investigate how the pandemic has changed, for the long term, customer behavior when visiting the city center and which “jobs to be done” (abbreviated: jobs) customers now pursue during their visits. Using a literature review, we identified several direct pandemic-induced changes in customer behavior. To test the long-term nature of these behavioral changes and to explore the JTBD framework, we conducted a qualitative empirical study involving 18 German respondents of different gender and age profiles. We were able to identify several functional, emotional, and social jobs in the context of a city center visit. The last two job types are more important for women. While some of the pandemic-related behavioral changes became permanent, such as increased online shopping, others proved to be temporary. The differences in the customer groups can be employed to improve the city center by highlighting the benefits of product inspection and immediate availability and the hedonically valuable shopping experience. (->to the Executive Summary)

Das Startup-Förderökosystem in Norddeutschland (The Startup Funding Ecosystem in Northern Germany)
Janis Denk, Michel Clement, Maik Hammerschmidt, Nils Winterberg, Jan-Philipp Peperhowe und Thorsten Wiesel

Startups sind von zentraler Bedeutung zur Lösung der wirtschaftlichen Herausforderungen unserer Zeit. Allerdings scheitern die meisten Startups in ihrem Entwicklungsprozess. Studien zeigen die Bedeutung der Einbindung von Startups in ein Förderökosystem, um Zugang zu kritischen Ressourcen zu erhalten und ihre Erfolgschancen zu steigern. Jedoch sind die Strukturen der Förderökosysteme häufig unübersichtlich. Die vorliegende Studie fasst die Förderangebote für Startups in Norddeutschland zusammen und liefert eine vergleichende Analyse über die verschiedenen einbezogenen Bundesländer. Insgesamt wurden in Norddeutschland 2.325 Akteure sowie 248 gründungsfördernde Events identifiziert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich die Bundesländer im Hinblick auf die Förderintensität und -effizienz, die Charakteristika der Akteure und deren bereitgestellten Förderangebote sowie weiterer makroökonomischer Kriterien deutlich unterscheiden. Die Ergebnisse schaffen Transparenz für Akteure im norddeutschen Startup-Förderökosystem und ermöglichen es, die Attraktivität eines Bundeslandes für Startups zu bewerten und potenzielle Verbesserungsbedarfe für Entscheidungsträger aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft zu identifizieren. (->to the Executive Summary)

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