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Authors and Reviewers

Marketing ZFP – Journal of Research and Management traditionally publishes original, unpublished work on diverse marketing research topics. Empirical, theory based research articles (quantitative or qualitative) are preferred, however research notes and forum articles (methodological, theoretical and conceptual articles) are welcome as well. Occasionally, special issues on particular research topics are published. The articles or special issues may address the following topics:

  • Consumer Behaviour
  • Consumer Goods or B2C
  • Industrial Goods or B2B
  • International Marketing
  • Internet and E-Commerce
  • Marketing-Mix
  • Marketing Management or Strategy
  • Methodology or Research Methods
  • Retailing
  • Service Industries

Manuscripts should be submitted exclusively in electronic form to editor[-at-]marketing-zfp.de. While we prefer English language, outstanding research in German language is welcome as well.

Open Access

We give you the opportunity to publish your article Open Access. This will improve the visibility and accessibility of your research. We guarantee a high-quality, constructive and quick review process.  
Publishing Open Access articles involves an Open Access publication fee
(1.700 €). 

Secondary Exploitation Right

After 12 months from publication the author is allowed to publish the manuscript-version of the article for non-commercial purposes according to the provisions in Section 38 (4) of the German Act on Copyright and Related Rights (UrhG).


Marketing ZFP – Journal of Research and Management is indexed on Google Scholar, Baidu Xue Shu, Proquest, and OCLC.

Submission Guidelines

Review our Publication Ethics before submitting your manuscript. We check for plagiarism with ephorus plagiarism prevention.

All submissions must adhere to the guidelines of the Marketing ZFP – Journal of Research and Management; those that do not meet these guidelines will be returned to the author for correction. If any questions arise, please contact us at editor[-at-]marketing-zfp.de. Please carefully observe the detailed guidelines in the following documents:

Peer-Review Process

Articles can only be accepted for publication in Marketing ZFP – Journal of Research and Management after the manuscript has been reviewed by the Editor and by two reviewers (double-blind). As these advisors are experts in their respective fields, the Editor’s decision to accept a manuscript for publication is affected considerably by their assessments. In order to assure that a manuscript is judged objectively and on the basis of its content and contribution to the field only, the author's name and credentials are removed from the manuscript prior to forwarding it to reviewers.

Review Policy

  • The Editorial Review Board members are appointed by the Editor-in-Chief. The Editor may replace members of the board at any time.
  • We conduct a double-blind peer-review process. The identity of the authors and the reviewers is only know to the Editor.
  • The final authority to accept or reject any article is held by the Editor.
  • As a declared goal, binding acceptances or rejections of publications are usually realized after no more than two revision rounds.
  • During an Editor's period in office a review round should not take longer than four weeks. Feedback to the authors will regularly be provided within five weeks and the authors will be informed about an exact timespan to revise their work (usually 30-90 days). Furthermore, the reviews are expected to be constructive and to help the authors to improve the quality of the manuscript. Reviewers and authors are asked to use the following templates for orientation:

Review Team Roles

The Editor-in-Chief is in charge of the contents of Marketing ZFP – Journal of Research and Management and holds the final authority to accept or reject manuscripts. However, the Editor must be open to the recommendations of the reviewers and follow the guidelines for appropriateness. A guest Editor will be assigned if any case of conflict of interest of the Editor with a given submission arises.

Reviewers are usually selected from the Editorial Review Board members, which is assigned by the Editor-in-Chief. Ad hoc reviewers who are not members of the Editorial Review Board may additionally be assigned.

Step-by-Step Review Process

  1. An assistant to the Editor checks if the submission adheres to the guidelines of Marketing ZFP – Journal of Research and Management and forwards it to the Editor.
  2. The Editor may desk reject manuscripts and inform the authors. All other manuscripts are forwarded to 2-3 reviewers which are selected by the Editor.
  3. The Editor contacts the reviewers and asks them to evaluate the submission within four weeks. If necessary, additional reviewers are solicited to ensure at least two completed reviews.
  4. The judgements of the review team are sent to the Editor, who bases a decision on these assessments and informs the authors.

Acceptance Criteria

All decisions are based on a manuscript’s contributions to the progress of science and/or practice of marketing. All submissions must follow the rules for scholarly work, namely:

  • Use references to previous work on which your model development or theory is based. Do not imply that no other work on the subject exist and you solely deserve credit for all the ideas in your manuscript.
  • With regards to data collection, consider the relevance of the sample to the subject matter. A careful choice of sample groups is preferable to arbitrarily selected participants with little relevance to the subject in focus. Provide as much information as possible regarding the characteristics of the sample. Indicate the number or percentage of non-respondents and do not ignore them.
  • Address the data distribution if distributional assumptions are relevant and make sure empirical findings are checked for reliability and validity. Apply appropriate statistical procedures.
  • Reflect the limitations of your study, model, and/or concepts and point out these limitations in your manuscript. Be objective.

Evaluation Criteria

All decisions for publication in Marketing ZFP – Journal of Research and Management are based on the article’s contribution to the progress of international science and/or practice of marketing. A manuscript has to meet three minimum criteria to be considered for publication:

  1. It contributes sufficiently to the knowledge in marketing. It has to provide novel insights, new ideas, and/or new empirical results.
  2. It is based on a convincing reasoning including a literature review, theory, and empirical research. Articles submitted for publication in Marketing ZFP – Journal of Research and Management are expected to be more theory-based, literature-based, and/or more rigorously empirical than articles published in journals that primarily target an audience of practicing managers.
  3. It must be valuable to marketing scholars and/or practitioners. That means the information provided must be considered novel, insightful, and important by the readership of Marketing ZFP – Journal of Research and Management.
  4. In case several manuscripts are considered to make an equally valuable contribution but space is limited, articles with a broader readership appeal are preferred for publication in Marketing ZFP – Journal of Research and Management.

Current Issue

Cover Marketing 1-2025


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