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Henrik SattlerHenrik Sattler

Institute for Marketing, University of Hamburg
E-mail: henrik.sattler[-at-]uni-hamburg.de; Telephone: +49 (0) 40 42838 - 8714

Henrik Sattler is professor of marketing and branding and head of the Institute for Marketing at Universität Hamburg, Germany. He was visiting professor/scholar at Cornell University, MIT, Australian Graduate School of Management , and University of Technology Sydney. He published five books and more than 50 leading peer reviewed articles on marketing and branding, including Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Retailing, and Journal of Service Research. He was ranked several times among the top 1% researchers in business administration in Germany. In 2003 Henrik Sattler founded the Centre for Branding and Marketing (ZMM) at Universität Hamburg. Henrik Sattler is spokesperson for FOR 1452 a research unit on „How Social Media is Changing Marketing“ funded with more than 1.5 million EUR by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Since 2011 Henrik Sattler is national coordinator for the European Marketing Academy (EMAC).

Current Issue

Marketing 2-2024 U1


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