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Bernhard SwobodaBernhard Swoboda

Chair for Marketing and Retailing, University of Trier
Email: b.swoboda[-at-]uni-trier.de; Telephone: +49 (0)651 201 4165.

Professor Dr. Bernhard Swoboda, born in 1965 in Beuthen, holds the Chair for Marketing and Retailing at Trier University. He has a M.A. degree from University of Essen, graduated as a Doctor rerum oeconomicarum and obtained the venia legendi for Business Administration at Saarland University. He accepted an offer of a professorship to become the holder of Chair for Marketing and Retailing from Trier University and declined another offer from the Chair for Electronic Commerce and Marketing from University of Wuppertal. Currently he has received and declined  a further offer to the Institute for Retailing and International Marketing at Saarland University (2017). In Trier he is responsible for the ERASMUS+ exchange programs and foreign language programs of the Faculty for Business, Economics and Social Science.

His research interests include retailing, branding and international marketing as well as management. He has wide-ranging publications and his articles have appeared in Journal of Retailing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Social Indicators Research, Management International Review, International Business Review, Journal of International Management, Journal of International Marketing, Long Range Planning, International Marketing Review, Business & Society, Journal of Small Business Management, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Journal of International Entrepreneurship, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management. He has received the American Marketing Association (AMA) Global Marketing & Cross Cultural SIG's Excellence in Global Marketing papers Award three times in 2009, 2011 and 2013, the The Susan P. Douglas Award 2015 of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC) and the award for the (EIBA) European International Business Academy-Conference best paper in International Marketing 2015.

He is the Editor-in-Chief of Marketing ZFP – Journal of Research and Management, and on the Editorial Board of Journal of International Marketing and International Marketing Review. He is an active member of the American Marketing Association, the Academy of International Business, the European Marketing Academy and the European International Business Association. Prof. Swoboda has been involved in a large number of projects with various firms, especially from the consumer goods sector and on topics of internationalization, for example Bayer, Boehringer Ingelheim (pharmaceutics), Chambre de Commerce Luxembourg, COOP Switzerland, Dresdner Bank Luxembourg, Bayer, Henkel, Karstadt, Kaufhof, Metro Group, Praktiker, Rewe Group, SAP, Subway, and several smaller firms from the wholesale, fashion and manufacturing industry.

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